WhatsApp has removed the transactional-only restriction!!

WhatsApp has removed the transactional-only restriction!!

WhatsApp has removed the transactional-only restriction for business-initiated chats outside the 24-hour window (template messages) and will allow template messages with promotional content to be sent.


What changes?

You can immediately begin to send new types of template messages such as product recommendations based on a customer’s recent purchases, timely offers, or valuable informational alerts.

There’s no change to the message template creation process in Facebook Business Manager or via API


Driving High-Quality Conversations is important

When sending Full-funnel template messages, it is important these messages are:

  • Expected: People have already opted in to receive this information over WhatsApp

  • Relevant: The messages are personalized to the customer, contain valuable information, and outline clear call to action(s) for the customer

  • Timely: People receive these messages at a logical time (ex: soon after engaging with the business, at a requested cadence)

As a reminder, people can block or report a business at any time, and WhatsApp may rate limit or automatically remove specific templates if a business’s quality rating is low for a sustained period.

What is the impact of this change?

In regions where this capability was tested, 60% of top enterprises have sent these new types of messages and reported up to 3X in response rates and 37X in conversions compared to SMS.